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Thoughts from Global Expert Investors

As I’m sure everyone is aware, volatility in investments markets is currently at an extreme high and we have been helping our clients understand the implications that this level of volatility is having on their portfolios.

This blog is aimed to help investors understand how some of the most successful investors from around the world operate in trying market conditions and take the opportunity to invest as assets are lowly priced. It also aims to try and help reassure investors why now is not a time to panic, but to maintain the status quo or to take advantage of the low asset prices.

What the experts say

These quotes from some of the most successful investors illustrate how investing in stock markets can be a challenging yet rewarding venture, requiring strong research skills, a rational, dispassionate mindset, a long-term horizon and patience in equal measure.


As can be seen from the quotes above which are from some of the most successful investors from around the world, adverse market conditions should not be seen as a moment to run and hide, but as an opportunistic time to be invested and to make additional investments.

We are confident that fund managers in the market are already looking ahead and looking to purchase investments that might have looked too expensive to buy a couple of weeks ago.

To be invested in real growth assets, means you are willing to take a level of risk with your invested capital in order to have the potential to achieve greater levels of capital appreciation over the medium to long term than would otherwise be available by remaining in pure cash assets.

Time and patience are an investors friend at the moment, and it’s important that investors remain invested in order to reap the rewards of the eventual market recovery that will come, it’s just a matter of time.

If you would like to discuss the impact on your investment further, or perhaps want to invest additional capital, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please keep safe and healthy.


Carl Mitchell – DipPFS

